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Kate is a specialist in fitness, human movement, and lifetime health and wellness. She was born and raised in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She came out to California after graduating from the University of Michigan with a degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2004. After getting a Master's degree also in Biomedical Engineering, Kate started working on injury prevention research with young athletes. As an runner and triathlete, Kate's interest in health and wellness only grew with this experience. She is currently working on her PhD in Biokinesiology (human movement science) at the University Of Southern California. Her dissertation aims to bridge the gap between an understanding of knee injuries and sports performance using change of direction tasks.
Kate's passions include promoting healthy lifestyles, injury prevention through science, and creating social atmospheres through fitness and science. She helped develop and currently works with athletes at the biomechanics laboratory at CATZ (Competitive Athlete Training Zone) in Pasadena, CA. Kate teaches anatomy at USC and works as a personal trainer.